We have a habit of putting Jesus in a box.  We build a box and put Jesus in it, limiting in our life who He is, what He does for us, and what He can do for us.  A box based on how we want to control our life; and what we want in and for our life.  It puts us at the helm of our life although we are the least qualified of knowing what is best for us.  We have it backwards.  We are to put what we want in life; what we think is best for us; and how to accomplish this into a box and give that box to an unlimited and unconstrained Jesus in our life to take what is limited in our abilities and let it become all things possible in and through Him.  Not because it gets what we want in our flesh nature but that we get Him as our core want and need allowing Him to work out in us those things we think we need; we think are best for us; and how to do it.  He is the Creator and Finisher of our life and giving Him our box of wants and desires is putting it in the hands of the One that can do something with and about our box.


