God designed us for work and He designed work to be reflection of our worship and gratitude to Him for all He has provided, is providing, and will provide. Working hard in this manner is designed to be filled with God’s excellence.  An excellence that includes perseverance, overcoming, trust, and faithfulness.  It is good to work hard but the question is who are you working hard for?  When I work hard for a client do I work hard for them to please God or to satisfy myself for pleasing a client?  Do I work hard to get results for personal gain (money, status, praise, et al) or to praise God in advance (in trust of Him) for what He has already done for me in the upcoming future that is good for me by His design?  Do you I hard in order to control my future or do I work hard with a cadence of joy because God has my future in His control?  Work hard in all you do with a spirit of excellence (our efforts aligned to God) and your hard work will be purposeful and useful in God’s plan for the best for your life.  Working hard apart from God and the result will be that the work will be hard and without joy even when the results appear to be good - because anything apart from God will deteriorate and eventually go away.


