What is chasing you in life and what are you chasing?  Are you chasing money, success, acceptance, et al?  These are all things that apart from God  are a dead end road (and in its final form - destruction).  A life apart from God is not only a dead end road but it will also be a life where things like guilt, shame, anger, pride, covetous, et al will chase you.  None of these things love us or will love us back - yet we chase them in love.  There is only one “thing” that chases us because of love and who will love us back - God.  He will never stop chasing us, even when we are chasing, other things. His love is relentless, unconditional, and He is committed to winning our heart.  His is the only road that is not dead end but living giving; not dead end but is a way to eternalizing us for forever living in, with, and through His love; and not dead end because it is the only true eternal truth for our living and for our life.  Therefore, chase God and let Him guide you in money, success, acceptance, and all the things you desire in this world.  Let Him guide you either in, through, or away from them to get God’s best for your life.  His agenda is clear.  His most important agenda is our salvation for eternity and living a life on earth aligned with His salvation.  Everything in this world (without using God’s guidance, wisdom, and direction) will obstruct, distract, and cut us off us from His agenda for us.  Chase God in our moment by moment living and we will be in the slipstream of His agenda (Deuteronomy 4:29-31).  Also remember, He is chasing us in love and in want and will never stop (Matthew 18:10-14). So who or what are you chasing?


