Fear is a a feeling caused by being afraid and (being) afraid is a choice.  In our natural self, things happen where we feel that things are out of our control causing us to respond or react with being afraid (choosing being afraid) which leads to feelings of fear.  Fear is a natural feeling built into our bodies for survival by God.  However, it is not designed (by God) to be chronic (continuing or occurring for a long time persistently) as a result of our choice to be afraid on our own apart from God. God’s answer is to choose faith always even in our choice of being afraid (Deuteronomy 31:6).

God knows that we are fragile, weak and sin-prone so be encouraged that fearfulness and faith can coexist in God as trust (in Him) slowly wins out (Isaiah 41:10 & Psalm 56:3).  Faith is a choice that is not a vague sense that “God will work it out.”  Faith is believing in someone or something.  It is God saying believe in Him to get Him as our author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2-3).It comes from genuine and intentional immersion in the Scripture (the Word of God); prayerful immersion (talking to God); and collaborative immersion in community (support and encouragement from God’s people).  That through that immersion it is revealed to you that you are safe in Jesus and the circumstances do not define how Jesus has, is, and will protect you in how things turn out (Proverbs 19:25).  When fearfulness coexist with faith in, with and through Jesus our fears become hope and being afraid become trust in Him based on what He has done, is doing , and will do (Matthew 6:34).  It will calm and silence your fearful heart with the promises and claims of the Scripture (God’s Word) (Psalm 94:19). It is faith over fear even when fear is present (1 Peter 5:7).


