Pain is part of life that at times can be extremely overwhelming and even debilitating.  It is only when we move our perspective of the pain we are experiencing in life, from a place of it being overwhelming and debilitating, to a place where we can come to understand that there is a purpose and intention to the pain (Romans 8:18-28).  Pain only seen in our humanness pins the purpose and intention on things gone wrong and often very wrong.  It could be pain caused by relationships gone wrong; health gone wrong; finances gone wrong; people gone wrong; et al.  It is when you elevate your perspective to the pain having a greater and higher purpose do we start to understand that it has a purpose beyond our human limitation and the limited viewpoint of things gone wrong (Revelation 21:4).

CS Lewis called pain God’s megaphone.  In life we can enjoy or ignore pleasures but pain cannot be ignored and it insists on our attention.  God whispers to us in our pleasurable moments and He speaks in our conscience (our thought life) but He shouts in our pain to rouse us from being deaf to Him being the truth for our life (Psalm 34:18).  Pain is a terrible instrument to get our attention but unfortunately is needed to break through our stubborn nature of self.  It removes the veil (of denial) and plants the flag of truth (who Jesus is; who we are to Him; and what He offers - salvation) within the fortress of our rebellious soul (Philippians 4:5-7).

God will use your pain for your good but the question is if you will use your pain for His good.  To let the pain be purposeful in, through, and with Jesus.  A pain that can be purposeful in personal and spiritual growth; as testimony (a story of living through the suffering) to encourage and help others; as stepping stones in your faith life; as a way to bring you closer to God; and/or to truly surrender your entire life to Jesus and let your daily living be aligned with who He is and who He can be for you (Hebrews 12:1-11 & James 1:2-4).  He will comfort you in your pain and troubles but will only do so if you turn to Him and let Him be all that He can be in your life (2 Corinthians 1:3-8).  Pain will happen in life, do not waste the pain.


