The community of God’s people should be joy shared with the whole earth in action, reflection, and demonstration.  Not as delusional  people not connected to reality but as committed people of trust, faith, and following someone (Jesus) greater than our challenges; the temporary nature what this world offers; and ultimately greater than ourselves.  Our brain in our carnal nature craves for immediate gratification which leads to short term satisfaction which rewards our brain for short term thinking and action.  The joy found in Jesus is where all things are pushed through a filter that is constructed by who God is; what God promises to do; and who God is to me (in trust and faith) and have my thinking altered about the things that I think, I see, and I face.  That what my brain says I need, how things are, and how to process things is controlled by the discipline of this filter to flush out carnal influences, hard wiring, and habits.  Through this filter is the joy that Jesus provides by being aligned with Him.  A joy that is amplified in the community of God’s people to share with the world around us.  To be change agents by demonstrating change.


