Anything I have, consume, or seek in my life, I use these three summary guidelines to determine if it is truly helpful in my life.  The first one is if it is mastering me, dominating me, and obscuring that Jesus is my real master and Lord.  The next one is if it is allowing me to build others up and am I using it in love.  The last one is if I am seeking it to build my faith and the faith of others.   These guidelines move my perspective from self-centric to God-centric.  It puts Jesus in the center of my thinking and as the supreme master for the trajectory of my life.   It makes me purposeful in my faith growth and to help others grow their faith.  These guidelines are a disciplined way to subordinate and organize the overwhelming choices that this world offers in our daily living in our work time, family time, community time, and personal time.   To make the choices of this world of less importance and have my view and decision on them be altered by the guidelines that keeps/puts Jesus on the throne for my life; that makes me useful to the community of God’s people and for Kingdom building; and that my faith life grows for God’s best for my life. 

All things are lawful [that is, morally legitimate, permissible], but not all things are beneficial or advantageous. All things are lawful, but not all things are constructive [to character] and edifying [to spiritual life] - 1 Corinthians 10:23 AMP.


